

Anna A. Malysheva, Researcher of the Middle Volga Branch of the Main Basin Directorate for Fishery and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources (443096, Russia, Samara, Vladimirskaya str., 1A); e-mail:
Elena S. Krivina, Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of ecology of protozoa and microorganisms in the Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of RAS (445003, Russia, Samara region, Togliatti, Komzina str., 10); e-mail:
Kristina A. Kuzmina, Researcher of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (107140, Russia, Moscow, Krasnoselskaya str., 17); e-mail:

Reference to article

Malysheva A.A., Krivina E.S., Kuzmina K.A. 2018. The algal composition and structure of the Yaitskoe lake (Samara Region, Russia). Nature Conservation Research 3(3): 70–79.

Section Research articles

We studied the phytoplankton of the Yaitskoe Lake (Samara region, Russia) from May to October 2009–2011. In this water body, there were 312 species and intraspecific taxa of algae. They belonged to nine taxonomic Divisions, 14 Classes, 22 Orders, 52 Families, and 108 Genera. A larger number of species, varieties and forms of algae belonged to the Chlorophyta, which included 37% of the total number of species and intraspecific taxa, followed by Bacillariophyta (21%), Euglenophyta (14%), and Cyanoprokaryota (12%). The other algae species number was less than 10% of the total species richness. The value of algae quantitative development was high in the Yaitskoe Lake during the three-year period. The values of abundance and biomass increased from spring to the end of summer, then there was a decrease. The level of trophic state was assessed as eutrophic. The abundance and biomass of algae were high during the study. The level of species diversity and evenness in phytoplankton community were assessed as high. Indices values, calculated by the phytoplankton abundance, were maximal at late spring. In summer, their values decreased. This was due to the increased dominance of blue-green algae (cyanoprokaryotes). The degree of cyanoprokaryota dominance decreased in autumn, while species diversity and evenness of the community increased. The indices, calculated on biomass, decreased from spring to early autumn. Their minimal values were during the «blooming» of water, and then gradually increased. Saprobiological analysis showed that this pond belonged to the β-mesosaprobic type, moderately polluted with Class III of water quality.


eutrophication, indices, phytoplankton, pollution, water quality

Artice information

Received: 14.03.2018

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