

Tatjana L. Zharkikh, Head of the Centre of the re-introduction of the Przewalski horse of the «Orenburg Reserves», 460001, Russia, Orenburg region, Orenburg, Donetskaya St., 2/2; e-mail:
Lyubov G. Linerova, Engineer, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, 460014, Russia, Orenburg region, Orenburg, Sovetskaya St., 19; e-mail:

Reference to article

Zharkikh T.L., Linerova L.G. 2016. Evaluation of the fodder stocks for the Przewalski horse Equus ferus przewalskii on the «Pre-Ural steppe» plot of the Orenburg State Nature Reserve. Nature Conservation Research 1(3): 90–94.

Section Short Communications

In 2015 the Federal Government Funded Institution «Orenburg Reserves» started the Programme of Establishing of a Semi-Free Population of the Przewalski Horse at the Orenburg Reserve on the territory of the steppe area «Pre-Ural Steppe». In 2014–2015 a pilot research was carried out to select the location for construction of the Centre of the re-introduction of the Przewalski horse. To evaluate the fodder stocks in the selected area we developed criteria for evaluating the vegetation condition under the influence of grazing. The results have shown that within the boundaries of the «Pre-Ural Steppe» plot it is most rational to place the Centre of the re-introduction of the Przewalski horse at the natural landmark Kursay. In 2015, the fodder stocks here ranged from 14 dt/ha (decitonne per hectare) in April to 30 dt/ha in September. Moreover, the grass cover vegetation here mostly consisted of species, well-grazed by Przewalski horse, particularly grasses, a significant number of legumes and well-grazed forbs. In the future, this area requires constant monitoring of the vegetation condition under the influence of the Przewalski horse grazing, with the following evaluation criteria: 1) the overall productivity of the plant mass; 2) the combination of well-grazed and ungrazed plant species in dynamics.


Equus ferus przewalskii, forage capacity, Orenburg Reserves, Orenburg State Nature Reserve, Przewalski horse

Artice information

Received: 30.09.2016

The full text of the article

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