

Darya S. Balycheva, PhD, Researcher of the Department of Aquaculture and Marine Pharmacology of Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Researches RAS (299011, Russia, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Pr., 2), e-mail:
Larisa I. Ryabushko, Dr.Sci., Leading Researcher of the Department of Aquaculture and Marine Pharmacology of Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Researches RAS (299011, Russia, Sevastopol, Nakhimov Pr., 2), e-mail:

Reference to article

Balycheva D.S., Ryabushko L.I. 2017. Benthos microalgae of the Lebyazhy'i Ostrova Reserve in the Black Sea. Nature Conservation Research 2(Suppl. 2): 9–18.

Section Research articles

The paper presents for the first time a list of the benthic microalgae of the Lebyazhy'i Ostrova Reserve, including the Karkinitsky Gulf and Sary-Bulatsky liman. During 2015 and 2016, 78 taxa were found: Bacillariophyta – 69, Cyanoprokaryota – 6, Haptophyta – 3. In the Karkinitsky Gulf 45 taxa were found, in the Sary-Bulatsky liman – 56 taxa. The Czekanovski-Sorensen similarity coefficient between these locality is 46%. The basis of the flora is diatoms: Cocconeis scutellum, Entomoneis alata, Halamphora coffeiformis, Nitzschia scalpelliformis, Pleurosigma angulatum, Pl. elongatum, Psammodictyon panduriforme, including Coronia daemeliana, Surirella striatula, Tryblionella circumsuta, which are rare for the microphytobenthos of the Crimean coast of the Black Sea. According to different classifications, dominant algae are benthic (86%), marine (49%) and cosmopolite (30%) species. Two potentially toxic species of diatoms, H. coffeiformis and Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha, were found once, 20 species of saprobionts – indicators of water quality were found. A comparison of the floras in the protected regions of the Black Sea between the Lebyazhy'i Ostrova Reserve and the Kazachya Bay Sanctuary showed 38 common species of benthic diatoms, in the Karadag Nature Reserve – 43 and in the Kazantip Nature Reserve (Azov Sea) – 21. The total microalgae abundance of the epilithon of the stones of the Sary-Bulatsky liman varied from 81,000 to 331,000 cellscm-2, biomass – 0.012–0.018 mgcm-2, number of species – 11–13. A significant contribution was made by cyanobacteria, their average abundance reached 256,000 cellscm-2 and biomass – 0.007 mgcm-2. The abundance of diatoms varied from 48,000 to 75,000 cellscm-2, the biomass reached 0.011 mgcm-2 with the dominance of Seminavis ventricosa. The obtained data have shown the necessity of regular monitoring of the microphytobenthos of the Lebyazhy'i Ostrova Reserve in order to identify the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of mass, rare, toxic species and aquatic environment quality estimating using indicator species of microalgae.


Black Sea, diatoms, Lebyazhy'i Ostrova Reserve, microalgae, microphytobenthos

Artice information

Received: 17.03.2017

The full text of the article

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